Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The local race track, not only home to the local horse races every two weeks but also the place where the body lies in state for any prominent person who dies.

There was also a KICK ASS pub attached to this place....one of those buildings on the bottom right where the road curves!!!

My dad and uncle`s business helped build this University - the biggest in the country.

view of my old High Scool - that blue was our pool, the big brown track on the right our sports field where i had TOO many a day doing Althetics Team practises. The small brown square next to it was the netball pitch - we made history in our school - only team to win tournaments 5 years ahead of us in the age groups and me and another girl the only two to represent the school in Form 2 ( a privillege only for girls 4 years above us!) The entire block to the left of the swimming pool was our school and the building in the bottom middle was the place I went to night school when I was putting myself through University!

The towers of the power station... fuelled by coal

You think YOUR lunch is expensive???? yeah right! And this is when you can actually find something on the menu to order

The shoe shop has.... erm... run out of shoes.... quite literally!

How many notes???????